About me

  • I oversee two Scrum teams with distinct focuses: one dedicated to enhancing healthcare provider efficiency through a mobile application, and the other building interactive widgets for internal business applications to streamline workflows and ensure operational precision.

    Additionally, I support and mentor the mobile user engagement team, driving behavioural change and enhancing user experiences through strategic multi-channel communications.

  • Despite lacking a technical background, I ventured into the software industry in 2021 after spending a decade in consumer electronics.

    This transition demanded significant risk and personal sacrifice, yet it was a path I wholeheartedly embraced, investing significant time and effort.

    In my current role, I engage closely with diverse teams spanning engineering, UX, marketing, analytics, compliance, training, and support, collaborating to advance ideas through the value chain, actively contributing to their evolution.

  • I enjoy working with designers to improve the products I lead. Identifying critical goals and building seamless, intuitive paths to address them typically excites me.

    Naturally, brainstorming with UX researchers and designers about the practical implication of design decisions led to further investment in the subject.

    Outside of work, I enjoy identifying potential areas of improvement in digital or tangible solutions and processes that I come across. I then envision their reconstruction as if I were building them myself. Trust me, it’s more fun than it sounds.

  • Walking the user’s path is imperative to building any good product. I find learning about the world and the humans we build for fascinating. The sciences help answer what we can’t explain during research and development.

My view on product

“A good product is intuitive. It’s in sync with what seems natural to a user. It aligns with expectation and minimizes a user’s time to value.”

“Embracing minimalism isn’t a compromise. It is simply the elimination of the unnecessary for the sake of focus and clarity.”

“A product must be meaningful. It must have a positive impact on the individual, the community, and the environment.”